Sunday, August 23, 2009

Video Game-Palooza

Started out as a small project, but kept growing. Real image is 16 inches wide.

Final character count is ...31, I think.

Can you name everyone?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Are We Best Friends, Terrence Howard?

For Bryan.

Professor X is desperate.

Like all dread glimpses of truth...

I did this on my sketchpad for my friend PJ. It's a pretty shoddy picture, cause I took it with my macbook's camera, so I'll probably scan it at a later date.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Raphael is a Big Dumb Idiot.

After the Turtles in Time remake hit last week, some friends and I were talking about how Raphael always seemed like the biggest/slowest turtle....but I never really noticed many illustrations of the turtles with different body types.

Easter Wolverine.

There needs to be more Pastel Wolverine images in the world.

Just doing my part.

Wolverine is an Angry Teddybear.